Fraîcheur Spirituelle, gift box 100 ml

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  • Description


Use: in spray. Essential oils of Fine lavender, geranium, always green cypress, vervain, cedar of the Atlas, niaouli, sage, neroli, pine, silver fir, benzoin, Alcohol. Dynamised product.

This subtle mixture of essential oils arrives at point in the energy of the moment. To find its connection with Nature, to feel the force of the trees, the plants having in them this fine alliance to convert energy of the sun by chlorophyl and to draw the force by their rooting with the Earth. This alliance, I wish by his very fresh perfume and his cosmic force to get it to you in order to regain his benefits.

For a pleasant home. Download Flyer Fraîcheur Spirituelle.


Keep out of reach of children. May cause an allergic skin reaction. Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects.

Tenere fuori dalla portata dei bambini. Puó provocare una reazione allergica cutanea. Nocivo per gli organismi acquatici con effetti di lunga durata.

Danger / Pericolo

Flammable  Lower systemic health hazards